Du möchtest, dass wir uns ganz auf dich konzentrieren und dir die Erkenntnisse des Red-Liner-Modells vermitteln?
Hol dir diese volle Erfahrung und die Inhalte in unserem individuellen Training mit Rob (auf Englisch) oder Johanna (auf Deutsch oder Englisch).
Read more/Mehr lesenWir gehen mit dir die wesentlichen Elemente des Modells durch und entwickeln gemeinsam Lösungen für deine größten persönlichen Herausforderungen. Du erhältst das nötige Wissen, um deine Interaktionen mit den Menschen um dich herum zu verbessern, dein Selbstvertrauen auf stabile Füße zu stellen. Das wird dein Wohlbefinden steigern und dich in die Lage versetzen, dein Potenzial freizusetzen.
Das Training kann entweder persönlich (mit Rob @ Frankfurt, mit Johanna @ Berlin oder Bielefeld) oder per Zoom durchgeführt werden.
4 x 2h persönlich oder online
840€ zzgl. 19% MwSt.
Schreibe uns per Mail (rob.thompson@rtta.net oder johanna.lauer@rtta.net), ruf uns an oder kontaktiere Sie uns über LinkedIn (Rob & Johanna).

Offene Workshops
Du möchtest das Red-Liner-Modell kennenlernen und freust dich, neue Leute zu treffen?
Dann nimm an unseren offenen Workshops in Zoom teil. 1 Tag voller Aha-Momente und Einblicke in unsere Interaktionen mit anderen Menschen.
Read more/Mehr lesenIn dem Workshop lernst du, wie du mit deinen herausfordernden Interaktionen umgehen und dein Selbstbewusstsein auf stabile Füße stellen kannst.
Gemeinsam mit den anderen entwickeln wir Lösungen für die problematischen Interaktionen aller Teilnehmer:innen.
Was du lernst, wird deine Sichtweise auf zwischenmenschliche Interaktionen verändern. Du wirst in der Lage sein, ein gesundes Selbstvertrauen zu entwickeln und alle deine Interaktionen zu verbessern. Von diesem Workshop wirst du für den Rest Ihres Lebens profitieren.
1 Tag @ Zoom
420€ zzgl. 19% MwSt. pro Person für Privatzahler, 630€ zzgl. 19% MwSt. pro Person für Firmen
Die nächsten Termine werden noch festgelegt.
Teile uns dein Interesse über das Dropdown-Menü mit und wir melden uns bei dir mit den Details zur Teilnahme.
Keiner der Termine passt für dich? Kein Problem, dann wähle einfach die entsprechende Option im Dropdown-Menü, und wir informieren dich sobald neue Termine verfügbar sind.

Du bist neugierig geworden, aber noch unentschlossen, ob unser Red-Liner Modell das Richtige für dich ist? Dann wird Ihnen unser Espresso-Workshop die Sicherheit für deine Entscheidung geben!
Auch wenn du aus einem Unternehmen kommst und an neuen Möglichkeiten für eure Mitarbeitenden-Entwicklung interessiert bist, ist dies die perfekte Gelegenheit.
Nimm an unserem kostenlosen 1h Espresso-Workshop teil, um einen konzentrierten Vorgeschmack auf das zu bekommen, was wir für dich tun können.
Read more/Mehr lesenIn diesem kostenlosen Kurzworkshop erhältst du ein Gefühl dafür, wie unsere Workshops funktionieren, was unser einzigartiges Modell ausmacht und wo es in deiner Organisation bei der Personalentwicklung helfen kann.
Um ein möglichst authentisches Gefühl von unserem Training zu vermitteln, begrenzen wir die Teilnehmerzahl in den Espresso-Workshops. Daher bitten wir um eine verbindliche Anmeldung.
1 Stunde @ Zoom
Donnerstag, den 10.04.25 16-17 Uhr (auf Englisch).
Mittwoch, den 21.05.25 11-12:30 Uhr (auf Deutsch).
Dienstag, den 24.06.25 11-12:30 Uhr (auf Deutsch).
Freitag, den 11.07.25 14-15:30 Uhr (auf Englisch).
Keiner der Termine passt für dich? Kein Problem, dann wähle einfach die entsprechende Option im Menü, um über neue Termine informiert zu werden.

Du suchst das passende Training für dein Unternehmen / für dein Team?
Mit uns wirst du eine neue Perspektive auf die Dynamik in Teams und zwischen seinen Mitgliedern gewinnen.
Gemeinsam machen wir einen Schritt in Richtung eines psychologisch sicheren und neuroinklusiven Umfelds.
Read more/Mehr lesenUnser Red Liner-Modell zeigt euch, wie ihr das Selbstvertrauen eures Teams und eurer Teammitglieder stärken, Reibungsverluste im zwischenmenschlichen Bereich effektiv reduzieren und so eure Effizienz steigern könnt.
Ihr werdet in der Lage sein, euer volles Potenzial abzurufen, als Individuen und als Team.
1-2 Tage an eurem Standort oder in Zoom
Ab 1440€ zzgl. 19% MwSt.
Kontaktiere uns für weitere Informationen per Mail (workshops@rtta.net), Telefon oder LinkedIn. Wir vereinbaren einen Termin, um eure Möglichkeiten, Wünsche und Bedürfnisse für einen Teamworkshop zu besprechen und machen euch ein maßgeschneidertes Angebot.
Am Sandberg 36
60599 Frankfurt am Main
“Thanks again for the best ever workshop we had this week. I’m already implementing the ideas we discussed and have a positive outcome.”
“Thank you for the wonderful workshops, I enjoyed them very much!”
“I have never seen a more engaging and passionate life coach. I am glad I attended. The content was very transformative.”
“I wanted to thank you again for the course and the extra-material you sent us afterwards. I especially liked your style of moderation – instead of suggesting a fixed schedule you supported the positive dynamics in the group and helped us to reflect and reinvent ourselves. Thank you!”
“I really enjoyed your workshop and your workshop style. There was and still is a lot of stuff to think about and to digest and the workshop definitely made me much more aware of certain points.”
“Very interesting and inspiring workshop with participants completely in control.”
“It was indeed one of the most helpful and motivating workshops I’ve ever attended.”
“Amazingly the workshop was tailored specifically to the needs of the participants, no other workshop I attended managed to have such an immediate impact on my work and career.”
“The whole perspective I had for dealing with people completely changed after this workshop.”
“I was very glad to join in your perfect workshop.”
“My first intention was to attend the workshop for 1 hour, as I was not actively looking for a new job. However, at the end of the workshop, I did not want to leave, as there is so much more to learn from Rob about ways to excel at work and beyond. Thank you!”
“Thank you again for the seminar. I liked the day. And I was already able to make use of some of the things we talked about.”
“Thank you very much for the notes. I am also thankful for the new perspective I got on the workshop, it certainly helps with the handling of some people!”
“It is amazing how much I learned during this two days of workshop! The skills we discussed and developed there will definitively be of great help for me in the future not only for my career path but also in my everyday life. Rob knows how to make the atmosphere pleasant for everyone to feel comfortable, speak and exchange ideas. Thanks a lot!”
“The teamleading workshop given by Rob Thompson was one of the best workshops I ever attended. Due to its interactivity and the topics chosen directly by the participants time was flying. I really learned a lot and will probably also make use of this knowledge in my daily life. I am looking forward to the next workshop. Thank you!”
“Rob’s workshop provided me with an effective intelligible framework to disentangle my apprehension of tricky professional interactions. If only I had been told all this much earlier! I’m sure I would have spared myself months of listening unavailingly to the wrong persons and trying to follow the wrong advice. I feel better armed now.”
“Thanks for an awesome workshop!”
“Thanks for the great workshop! It really made me see things from a different angle even though it is common sense. The atmosphere was amazing!”
“First ever workshop after which I implemented the ideas and noticed some change.”
“I want to thank you Rob, because every single advice you gave during your workshop was important, especially those about the things that are between the lines.”
“If you look back at your life and try to identify the moments that influenced your career, your workshop would be one of them.”
“The fact that Rob allows participants to choose their own topics allows him to tackle every issue so that everyone is satisfied.”
“If there is any workshop I would love to attend over and over again or recommend it to anyone, then it must be Rob’s. Thank you so much for the wonderful seminar that left me positively energized and ready for any leadership role.”
“The course was the one with the most “Aha!” experiences I ever had. Many possibilities for self-reflection. Rob was a great and inspiring teacher.”
“It was my first workshop with Rob and the experience was just amazing. Very interactive and dynamic. All the problems presented were attacked from different angles and the solutions were not just presented, he lead us to them through brainstorming and logic. I will definitely attend more workshops from him.”
“The atmosphere in this workshop was one of the best I ever had: Rob was very helpful and flexible in terms of topics, participants could discuss freely about their thoughts and opinions. It was relaxed and open but never boring. Thanks for a very good workshop, the content is useful for everyone!”
“We appreciate the reliable and engaging cooperation with Rob. He is a very professional and experienced trainer. His workshops regularly receive very good reviews by participants. Our doctoral candidates and postdocs cherish especially the open structure and the fact that they decide on the topics dealt with in the workshops.”
“Thank you again for your wonderful and inspiring course.”
“I finally found somebody who could analytically describe many (if not all) of the negative and positive behaviours I see around me almost every day. And I didn’t expect to hear anything like that during the workshop, so I was really positively surprised.”
“Rob was very approachable and found a very accessible way to convey useful theoretical concepts in a very digestible form for the typically social science limited natural scientist.”
“Thank you for your workshop, it was resourceful, entertaining and refreshing all at the same time. I feel more confident, even my colleagues (!!!) noticed that.”
“Really enjoyed the two days and learned a great deal. The red, blue and green liners will remain with me forever!”
“Thank you very much for your excellent talk in Münster. I gained some new insights which will be very useful in everyday business situations.”
“Just want to let you know that your workshop was the most fun one ever, and I also have the feeling that it will turn out to be the most useful one.”
“The workshop was brilliant, made me think about different points of views that I have never thought before. It is a great amount of material and information to process, however it opened my mind to different perspectives regarding work strategies and personal communication.”
“Thanks for your very entertaining and insightful workshop.”
“I attended Rob’s course several years ago. His advices (and actual insights) regarding leadership and conflict management were extremely valuable to me and have left their footprint in my leadership qualities and thus helped me during my career.”
“The workshop was indeed remarkable.”
“What impressed me most was Rob’s self-confidence model and how you can overcome low self-confidence. I feel like this is a skill not only useful in job hunting, but also in daily life. I would definitely recommend it to anyone.”
“We wanted a Scientific Management workshop and a colleague recommended RTTA – it was a good choice: All participants agreed it was one of the best workshops they ever attended!”
“If I have to describe the workshop in one word, I would say it was fantastic. Great atmosphere, friendly brainstorming about topics that matter not only in your work but also in private life. One of the best workshops I attended so far.”
“I would strongly recommend people to go to Rob’s workshops which are really tailored for your specific needs and wishes with a really non-traditional point of view.”
“Excellent! I felt very energetic after the workshop. The workshop made me think about different aspects of leadership and better understanding myself and others in leadership and conflicting types of situations.”
“Finally, a program that does not TELL you to be more confident or come with a RECIPE book (neither ever worked anyway), BUT someone who makes you REALIZE confidence and strengths and simply WANT to go after them and enforce them in your everyday behaviour.”
“I would like you to know that your workshop had a huge impact on me and I will be forever grateful for that!”
“One of the best workshops ever!”
“I have attended many workshops of this kind over the past years, but this was by far the best one, mainly because of all the easy-to-follow daily-life advices. I also liked that we covered so many different aspects, that are or will become essential for our future career planning.”